Welcome to Morgan House Ltd.
Too many years in Switzerland led us to trade our stress and routine, for adventure and wilderness. Therefore beginning 2010, we moved, husband, wife and our two kids, to Kenya and started exploring this wonderful country.

After about 6 months of wandering the coast from Shimoni (South border with Tanzania) up to Kiunga (North border with Somalia), we started exploring inland. This is when we found a wonderful place forgotten by all, authentic, and of breath taking beauty: Lake Jipe.
We kept returning to Lake Jipe, like attracted by its magnetic beauty and made bonds with the local fishermen. These people welcomed us warmly and we shared with them meals, soccer games with a ball made of used clothes and long story telling at night by the fire. Every time we returned to Lake Jipe, we endeavoured to bring clothes, shoes and all other basic needs things we could think of.

Today we realise that as hard as we try, we will not be able to make a real difference on our own. These people need clothes to dress, shoes to protect them from the ground heat, a better school infrastructure and proper material for the teachers, but also prospect for future sustaining their own community as fishing is decaying dangerously.
This website is here to try, with your assitance, to preserve the beauty of Lake Jipe and bring some basic comfort to its community.
With your help we can go further!